November 23, 2015

Go Habs Go


Quelle soirée magique pour les enfants du Camp Cosmos dans la loge de Brandon Prust et sa charmante compagne Maripier Morin. Mille mercis à vous deux pour votre gentillesse et votre présence auprès des enfants éblouis. Cette soirée restera gravée dans leurs cœurs. 
Merci aussi à la Fondation pour l’enfance des Canadiens de Montréal qui soutient le camp chaque année. 
Et finalement chapeau à nos 3 chaperons bénévoles Angélique, Edouardo et Victor!

A group of kids from Camp Cosmos had the thrill of their lives when they were invited to view last Monday’s game between the Montreal Canadians and the Vancouver Canucks at the Bell Centre
But there’s more! They viewed the game from the box of Brandon Prust and his charming partner, popular Quebec television personality Maripier Morin. Brandon and Maripier hung out with the kids, signing their new Canadians’ caps and viewing the game together.
And what a game – the Canadians’ came back from a disadvantage to win 4-3! And there’s more!! Réjean Houle and Geoff Molson also dropped by the box for a visit!
A heartfelt thanks to Brandon and Maripier as well as to the Canadians Children’s Foundation whose support makes the camp possible every year. 
A final tip of the hockey cap to our volunteer chaperons, Angélique, Edouardo and Victor

Go Habs Go!

For more photos, visit Camp Cosmos Facebook page.
Pour plus de photos, visitez la page Facebook du Camp Cosmos.

October 29, 2015


...if behind every refugee there was a team of high-powered lawyers fighting for that person's chance to settle in Canada. That's often what I think about when I see the files of our clients at Just Solutions Legal Clinic. Their stories are so compelling and the law should be on their side, but they often simply do not have the resources to make their case. The fact is, when it comes to immigration law, it's not a level playing field.
When we are able to take on a case, our advocacy can have an enormous impact on an entire family's life.
Working at Just Solutions has opened my eyes to these aspects of justice that I hadn't really considered in law school. It's been wonderful to feel that with a law degree I really can make a concrete difference in the lives of others. It's inspiring to be a part of a team that is so committed to this work.

Claire K. Boychuk

October 15, 2015

Back to the Future! Retour vers le futur!

Nous nous souvenons des bons moments et avons hâte à l'été prochain!

Check out our Summer 2015 Camp Cosmos video below..

Réalisé par / Directed by: Daniel Julien Inacio

October 06, 2015

A Successful Ride !! / Une belle réussite !!

A heartfelt thanks to all of our sponsors, riders, joggers and walkers who helped raise 7K + for MCM at the annual Ride for Refuge bike-a-thon. A shout out to young Xavier - star fund raiser of the Township Travellers. Special thanks as well to our supporters at St. James and Cedar Park United.

Par une journée magnifique d'automne, nous avons pédalé, 'joggé' et marché pour soutenir les actions de la McM - surtout auprès des réfugiés et leurs enfants cette année.

Merci à tous et à l'année prochaine!

See you next year!

September 08, 2015

Ride for Refuge 2015

As you know, Montreal City Mission’s Just Solutions is the only clinic of its kind in Quebec offering free professional legal advice and moral support to vulnerable migrants in their quest to remain in Canada as well as be united with their families.  No government program or foundation supports this type of work. We rely on the support of people like you.

In exactly one month, on October 3rd, we will be participating in the annual
Ride for Refuge bike-a-thon. Please consider either sponsoring our ‘Just Riders’ team and /or joining the ride yourself and recruiting some of your own sponsors. This is a small but important action we can all take to support refugees in our midst.

Comme vous le savez, Solutions Justes, de la Mission communautaire de Montréal, est la seule clinique en son genre au Québec, offrant des services juridiques gratuits et un soutien moral aux migrants vulnérables qui souhaitent vivre au Canada et être réunis avec les membres de leurs familles. Ce type de service n'est offert par aucun programme du gouvernement, ni soutenu par aucune fondation. 
Nous comptons sur le soutien de gens comme vous.

Dans exactement un mois, le 3 octobre, nous participerons pour la troisième année, au Cycle-O-Thon Refuge. S.V.P., pensez à encourager notre équipe Just Riders, ou encore, à vous joindre à nous avec votre vélo tout en recrutant vos propres commanditaires.
Un geste simple mais important que nous pouvons tous faire afin de venir en aide aux réfugiés.

All the info here: Ride for Refuge 2015

Toute l'information ici: Ride for Refuge 2015

August 10, 2015

Summer Fun!

Last week  at camp!

Dernière semaine au Camp Cosmos!

Time flies when you are having fun.

August 06, 2015

Ce n'est qu'un au revoir!

Milles mercis à nos stagiaires d'été en droit et en travail social. 
Vous avez été formidables. 

We couldn't have accomplished all the work this summer without you. 
Best of luck for your fall semester at McGill U.  Stay in touch!

Sur la photo: Marianne Leaune-Welt, coordonnatrice de la clinique Solutions Justes, Gabriella Utretas Sandoval, Rick Goldman, superviseur, Maryam Lefebvre d'Hellencourt, Olga Houde, coordonnatrice de la Clinique Roger Snelling, et Mylène Barrière, avocate pour Solutions Justes.
(Absente ce jour-là, Marlene Tawfik, que nous remercions également.)

August 04, 2015

On your mark, get set, go! the MCM page on the Ride for Refuge website and sponsor one of our teams in the upcoming bike-a-thon on October 3rd: Ride for Refuge

And join us if you can for this fun activity that raises money and spirits in support of refugees, isolated seniors and kids.

On compte sur notre communauté! 
Au plaisir de vous voir en grand nombre le 3 octobre.

July 29, 2015

A Day at the Farm

Old MacDonald had a farm...

Une journée magique à la ferme MacDonald pour les campeurs du Camp Cosmos...

June 11, 2015

The Roger Snelling Clinic

Sheila cutting the ribbon

The Ribbon was cut….
…by Sheila Snelling at the June 7th launch at St. James United of the Roger Snelling Clinic – Mobile Legal Service for Seniors. The United Church family and larger social justice community paid tribute to the life and ministry of Roger through moving testimonies, music and enthusiastic presence.

Special guests David Armour, Director of Philanthropy of the United Church of Canada and Rev. Shaun Fryday, pastor at Beaconsfield United and chair of the Good Samaritan Fund that supports the clinic, recalled the steadfast witness of both Roger and his wife Sheila in countless projects and activities over the years.

Paula Kline and Olga Houde, the new coordinator of the Roger Snelling Clinic

Le nouveau président du Consistoire de Montréal de Église unie du Canada, M. Marc Grenon, a apporté des salutations. Marc a exprimé ses regrets de n’avoir jamais connu un homme si exceptionnel. Il a dit par contre apprécier énormément sa collaboration avec Sheila dans divers comités d'action sociale à travers les années.

Geoff, Jean & Liza

Happy 90th Anniversary UCC 

The celebration came to a fitting end as we wheeled out a birthday cake for the 90th anniversary of the UCC – a church that remains alive and relevant through the contributions of faithful servants such as Roger.

Neil Whitehouse, Lisa LeRoy & Geoff Duerden

Marc Grenon & Rev. Shaun Fryday

Paula Kline, David Armour, Rev. Arlen Bonnar & Jan McConnell

Paula and former Chair of the MCM board, Renate Sutherland

Roger’s devotion to community building and the equitable sharing of resources has had a lasting impact on numerous individuals and organizations. His legacy of kindness and justice will continue through the Roger Snelling Clinic!

June 01, 2015

Local Support for Camp Cosmos

Local Support for Camp Cosmos from our neighbour Warren Walinsky of Plank (left in photo with MCM Board member Neil Whitehouse).
Plank Design, a Montreal based digital agency, is located across St. Catherine street in the historic Belgo building from MCM.

'Turning donwtown Montreal into a kid friendly zone each summer' is our motto. Socially conscious companies like Plank and Financial Networking Solutions join the Montreal Canadians Children's Foundation to make it all possible.

Grâce au soutien de tous nos partenaires, notre équipe dynamique de jeunes coordonnateurs planifient une autre saison palpitante! Merci du fond du coeur!

May 20, 2015

The Roger Snelling Clinic

Join us for the launching of the

Roger Snelling Clinic

Mobile Legal Service for Seniors

Former MCM Director, Roger Snelling, was an exceptional and unique individual, whose passion for social justice was only surpassed by his integrity and authenticity. He worked tirelessly in the church, as well as in the wider community, to change things in the present and plan a better future for all.

In honour of Roger’s lasting contribution, Montreal City Mission is changing the name of
its seniors’ legal clinic to the: Roger Snelling Clinic.

Where: St. James United Church, 463 Ste Catherine Street West

When: Sunday, June 7th, 2015

What: Worship service at 11:00, followed by launch at 12:45 in Dawson Hall


David Armour
Director of Philanthropy, United Church of Canada Foundation

Rev. Shaun Fryday
Chair, Good Samaritan Fund

Sheila Snelling

Let us come together and celebrate


Venez célébrer avec nous
le lancement officielle de 

la Clinique Roger Snelling
une clinique mobile de services juridiques pour aînés

Ancien directeur de la McM, Roger Snelling était une personne unique et exceptionnelle, dont la passion pour la justice sociale n’était surpassée que par son intégrité et son authenticité. Roger a travaillé sans relâche afin d’améliorer le présent et de planifier un avenir meilleur pour tous. 

Pour souligner l'implication continue de Roger, la Mission communautaire de Montréal change le nom de sa clinique juridique pour aînés qui s'appellera maintenant la Clinique Roger Snelling.

Où: À l'église St-James, 463 Ste-Catherine Ouest

Quand: Dimanche le 7 juin 2015

Quoi: Une cérémonie religieuse à 11:00, suivie par le lancement à 12:45 
dans la salle Dawson Hall


David Armour
Directeur de la philanthropie, Fondation de l'Église unie du Canada

Rev. Shaun Fryday
Président, Fondation Bon Samaritain

Sheila Snelling

Au plaisir de vous voir!

May 14, 2015

Baby Boom

Congrats to board member Wendy Evans, husband Sam Sewall and little Justin on the arrival of baby Leo.


Félicitations à notre ancienne collègue Yolaine Williams, son mari Peter Shams et Henri pour la naissance de la petite Anna.
We are thrilled for both families!