September 11, 2012

MCM Presents!

After three years abroad working with migrants and asylum seekers, it is such a pleasure to have joined MCM and have the opportunity to continue this meaningful and inspiring work with newcomers in my very own city!

Developing the Equi-Net project, which facilitates access to the labor market for refugees, has certainly been a learning process for me; business plans, financial forecasting, labor laws, contracts, managing a janitorial and maintenance business! Nevertheless, it has been such a fruitful journey that I’ve shared with the former residents of Project Refuge who have received their first employment opportunity in Canada with Equi-Net. Together with them, I have learnt so much about the challenges that one faces integrating into a society and work
environment very different from one’s own.

MCM has been an inviting and refreshing community for me to join, and I only hope to help in our work to ensure that newcomers feel that same warm and welcome when they arrive in Canada.

Chris Mariano

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Welcome, Chris! It's wonderful to see this important project taking flight in your capable hands.