December 04, 2013

A Christmas Concert - Un Concert de Noël

St. James United Church will hold its 18th  annual Christmas Concert. All money raised is for a Benevolent Fund and is given away to those in need throughout the year.

This year’s concert is dedicated to the memory of Mr. Ziad Bouzid, a Montreal taxi driver, who was recently murdered by a client.  50% of all money collected will be given by St. James to Mr. Bouzid’s family. 

All Montrealers are invited to attend, to offer their support to this cause, and to stand in solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters.
When: Friday, December 6th,  7:00 pm
Where: St. James united Church
             463 Ste. Catherine St. West
Freewill offering (charity receipts $20.00+)
Information: 514-288-9245

Concert bénéfice de Noël de l’Église Unie St. James

L’Église Unie St-James présentera son 18ème concert annuel de Noël. L’argent récolté servira pour un fond d’aide qui sera distribué tout au long de l’année aux gens dans le besoin.

Cette année, le concert est dédié à la mémoire de M. Ziad Bouzid, un chauffeur de taxi Montréalais qui a récemment été assassiné par un client.  50% de l’argent du concert sera remis à la famille de M. Bouzid.

Tous les Montréalais sont invités à assister au concert afin de soutenir cette cause et manifester notre solidarité avec nos frères et sœurs musulmans.

Quand :  Vendredi, 6 décembre, 19h
Où : L’Église Unie St. James
 463 Ste-Catherine ouest
Contribution volontaire (reçu de charité émis pour $20.00 et +)
Information : 514-288-9245

November 28, 2013

Thank you students!

Christmas, Hanukkah  and the holiday season are quickly approaching. And with this change of season, comes the end of the fall session for our law and social work student interns. 
Once again, we have benefited from their time, energy, enthusiasm and wisdom, while they have developed professionally through a dynamic front line experience.

Many thanks to Stephanie, Inhong, Hannah & Jessica.

We look forward to continuing our path together in the New Year.

Enjoy your break!

Hannah Wizman-Cartier

Inhong Kim

Jessica Walsh

Stephanie Hewson

October 10, 2013

A Smashing Success!

Thanks to our cyclists and sponsors, we raised over $8,500 for our work 
with refugee seniors, adults and kids!

What a beautiful fall day!  And what a fun bike-a-thon!  Our heartfelt thanks to all those who cycled, pledged, and cheered us on.  Spirits were high as the 3 MCM teams gathered in Pierrefonds on October 5th: Peace lovin’ pop-a-wheelies in support of the Just Solutions Clinic; Golden Wheels in support of our work with seniors and the Rollin’ Rockets from Camp Cosmos.

It was a great opportunity as well to meet up with community friends from the St. James Drop-In Center and Action Refugee Montreal (ARM).  Kudos to Paul, Jenny and the folks at ARM for raising a whopping $20,000!

Ben and Luke Ives gear up

After fastening helmets and pumping up tires, we set out on the bike paths around Île Bizard.

Tour de France Wade offers roadside assistance

Luke leads the way

Congrats to Wade Tour de France Eide who did the circuit 4 times for a total of 100K!! The fall colours and water front vistas were a joy to behold.

The morning ended with a delicious lunch provided by the Ride for Refuge folks and more opportunity for chats with friends and colleagues.

Jeff, Rick, baby Justin, Wendy and Claire

MCM board member Wendy Evans with Sam and Justin

Liam and Claire, ferocious Pop-a-wheelies

Rollin' Rockets team leader Molly Churchill

Go! Nicole Go!

Pop-a-wheelie Celeste

MCM board member Nicole Ives with family, Wendy & Paula

After this initial experience, we hope to recruit more riders next year. 
It’s an event not to be missed!

Photos: Tom Kingsbury, Andrea Dawes and Nicole Ives


On another fundraising front……

Project Refuge (transitional housing and support for refugee claimants run by MCM for 22 years), became an independent organization in January of this year. PR is still going strong under the able leadership of its director, Sylvain Thibault, and a dedicated group of board members and volunteers – many of whom are former residents.

Cette année, le Projet Refuge prépare le Show pour les réfugiés Do 1Thing qui aura lieu le 4 novembre à 19:30 au Cabaret du Mile End . Une soirée Jazz'n Blues avec le groupe Kalmunity, le groupe le plus en vogue sur la scène montréalaise actuellement. 

For more information and to purchase tickets: 514-582-2917

September 30, 2013

Kudos Rick! Félicitations Rick!

Pro Bono Quebec* has just focussed the spotlight on MCM supervising lawyer.  Read the following well-deserved tribute that is posted on their web site this month. 
Lawyer Rick (Richard Neil) Goldman has devoted his entire professional career to the task of improving access to justice for the most vulnerable members of the Montreal community.
Over the past twenty-four years, Me Goldman has supported and advocated for the rights of refugees, tenants, social assistance beneficiaries, and other groups in need of quality legal information and/or representation. Through his work with Project Genesis (staff lawyer), the Just Solutions legal information clinic of the Montreal City Mission (supervising lawyer), the Committee to Aid Refugees (coordinator) and the Association multi-ethnique pour l'intégration des personnes handicapées du Québec (pro-bono legal advice), Rick's passionate approach to the legal profession has enabled countless individuals to access the just recourses to which all citizens, regardless of background and financial resources, are entitled. Pro Bono Québec salutes Me Goldman’s generous contribution! 
* Pro Bono Québec initiates, coordinates and promotes free or low-cost professional legal services to the benefit of the population of limited means in Quebec.

Me Rick (Richard Neil) Goldman a consacré sa vie professionnelle à l’amélioration de l'accès à la justice pour les membres les plus vulnérables de la communauté montréalaise.
Au cours des 24 dernières années, Me Goldman a soutenu et défendu les droits des réfugiés, des locataires, des prestataires d’aide sociale et autres groupes de personnes pour qui l’accès à des services juridiques est limité. Par son travail auprès des organismes communautaires tels que le Projet Genèse (avocat salarié), la Clinique de Solutions Justes de la Mission communautaire de Montréal (avocat superviseur), le Comité d'aide aux réfugiés (coordonnateur) et l'Association multi-ethnique pour l'intégration des personnes handicapées du Québec (conseiller juridique pro bono), la généreuse vision du droit de Rick a permis à d'innombrables personnes d'accéder aux recours en justice appropriés, sans égard à leur origine et à leurs ressources financières. Pro Bono Québec salue la généreuse contribution de Me Goldman !

* Pro Bono Québec initie, coordonne et fait la promotion de services juridiques professionnels gratuits ou à faibles coûts au bénéfice de la population démunie du Québec.

September 10, 2013

Get Support Rolling for Refugees

Join Montreal City Mission for a family bike ride on:

Saturday October 5th

Dear Friends of Montreal City Mission,

Saturday October 5th is the date of Ride for Refuge - an international bike-a-thon bringing together community organizations and the folks that support them.

Please join the MCM community on Île Bizard by supporting one of our three teams.

Peace Lovin' Pop-a-Wheelies          (Just Solutions)

Golden Wheels         (Seniors' Mobile Legal Clinic)

Rolling Rockets        (Camp Cosmos)

You can:

1. Register as a rider and commit to fundraising at least $150

2. Register as a rider, pay a fee of $25 and enjoy the pedaling

3. Sponsor one of the MCM teams through an online pledge

Here is the general link: Ride for Refuge

There are routes of 10K, 25K and 50K.

Please support this event and help MCM help refugees!

Together we can build a more compassionate society!

June 25, 2013

Families Matter to Everyone- Les Familles comptent

Le français suit

Dear friends,

As concerned and compassionate members of our larger community, and supporters of our work with refugees, there is something you need to know.

Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is currently proposing a major change to the regulations for parents sponsoring their children. As of January 2014, the age limit for dependent children to be included in family units will be lowered from 21 to 18.  This will have a major impact on the refugee families that Montreal City Mission accompanies. We foresee a tremendous human toll.

For example, it is common for the eldest children in refugee families to become the caregivers for younger siblings once parents flee to Canada. Under the changes, if they have reached age 19, they will no longer be able to accompany their younger brothers or sisters to Canada once the parents have been accepted.  We believe few Canadians would ever knowingly inflict such heartbreak and hardship on others.

It is also our experience that leaving family members behind -- especially young women in countries where discrimination against unattached women is rampant -- is not only dangerous for the children, but also extremely stressful and destabilizing for families settling in Canada.

These changes are not yet in effect, and your voice can make a difference. Please share this email with your friends or link to our blog on your Face Book page or with a tweet.

We also encourage you to express your concerns to your local Member of Parliament, by calling, organizing a meeting in person or by sending an email.  

Taking just a few minutes out of your day, could make a big difference in the lives of many parents and children waiting to be reunited.

Here is a link to find the postal and email address of your MP: Find your MP with your postal code

Here is the contact information for Minister Kenney:

Hon. Jason Kenney
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Fax: 613-992-1920

For more information, visit the Canadian Council for Refugees website: CCR Family Changes

Thank you!

Rick Goldman, MCM Supervising Lawyer
Rev. Paula Kline, Executive Director

Chers amis,

En tant que membres de notre communauté soutenant notre travail avec les réfugiés, il y a quelque chose que vous devez savoir.

Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada (CIC) a proposé des changements importants à la procédure de parrainage des enfants par les parents. À partir de Janvier 2014, l’âge limite pour les enfants à charge faisant partie de la famille, passera de 21 à 18 ans. Ce changement aura un impact majeur sur les familles que la McM accompagne. Nous entrevoyons déjà les décisions difficiles que devrons prendre ses familles.

Par exemple, il n’est pas rare pour le plus vieux des enfants d’une famille de réfugiés de prendre en charge ses jeunes frères et sœurs après le départ précipité des parents vers le Canada. Avec ce changement, si l’aîné a 19 ans, il ne pourra plus accompagner ses frères et sœurs lorsque ceux-ci rejoindront leurs parents acceptés comme réfugiés au Canada. Nous croyons que peu de Canadiens imposeraient consciemment une telle cruauté à d’autres gens.

Par expérience, nous savons aussi que laisser derrière des membres de la famille, particulièrement des jeunes femmes dans des pays ou la discrimination faite aux femmes célibataires est omniprésente, est très dangereux pour les enfants et stressant pour ces familles nouvellement installées au Canada.

Ces changements ne sont pas actuellement en vigueur et votre voix peut faire une différence.  S.V.P., partagez ce courriel avec vos amis ou créer un lien avec notre blogue sur votre page Facebook ou votre compte Twitter.

Nous vous encourageons aussi à exprimer vos inquiétudes avec votre député en téléphonant, organisant une rencontre en personne ou en envoyant un courriel.

Prendre quelques minutes de votre journée pourrait faire une grosse différence dans la vie de plusieurs parents et enfants qui attendent d’être réunis.

Voici un lien pour trouver l’adresse postale et le courriel de votre député : Trouvez votre député à l'aide de votre code postal

 Et voici l’information pour contacter le ministre Jason Kenney :…

L’Honorable Jason Kenney
Ministre de la Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada
Chambre des Communes
Ottawa Ontario  K1A 0A6

Télécopieur : 1-613-992-1920

Pour plus d'information, visitez le site du Conseil Canadien pour les réfugiés: CCR Family Changes


Me Rick Goldman, avocat superviseur à la McM
Rev. Paula Kline, Directrice Exécutive

May 13, 2013

A Lovely Evening for Camp Cosmos

On a beautiful spring evening in late April, a small group of people gathered for an intimate night of music at the House of Friendship on Duluth in support of Camp Cosmos. 

The concert opened with singer-songwriter Eliza Moore, whose original compositions (as well as a cover or two) set the mood of warmth, honesty, openness, and love that defined the evening. 

Former camp counsellor and classically-trained pianist Stefano Degano then played a couple of his favourite songs, giving heartfelt and educative introductions to each piece. 

The concert was closed by Egyptian musician Shams Al-Habib – accompanied at times by her two delightful and talented young sons – who maintained the same warmth and love of the evening.

Thank you so much to the musicians, to the concert-goers, and to those who supported the cause even though they could not make it to the concert! 

Molly Churchill, McGill student and Camp Cosmos Board member

Photos: Amir Foudeh

April 22, 2013

Camp Cosmos community appreciation concert!

(le français suit)
Dear friends,
As the sun stays out longer each passing day and as the crocuses start poking their way through the soil, we know that summer will soon be here...and this means that Camp Cosmos will soon be in full swing again!  
Before long, a new cohort of campers will start on their six-week adventure of making new friends, trying new things, growing, and discovering - all while making this city a little greener.
With this in mind, we would like to invite you to a Camp Cosmos community appreciation concert!

When: Tuesday, April 30th at 7:30pm 

Where: The House of Friendship (120 Duluth St. East, H2W 1H1)

What: A musical evening featuring Shams Al-Habib who will be performing Sufi chants & Zikr, Stefano Degano performing piano solos, and Eliza Moore performing original compositions on guitar, piano, and violin.

For whom?: For all who have become part of the Camp Cosmos community through offering a donation
If you have not yet donated, it is simple to donate now: simply visit Camp Cosmos on (click here) and make a donation!  
The suggested donation amount is $15-$50, depending on what you feel you are able to give.   

Please also RSVP with Molly Churchill at, with “Camp Cosmos concert RSVP” as the subject line.

We look forward to enjoying an evening of music with you at the end of the month!

For more info on the artist:

Chers amis,
Chaque jour qui passe, le soleil brille de plus en plus longtemps et les crocus commencent à sortir de terre, ce qui signifie que l’été sera bientôt là... et donc que le Camp Cosmos reprendra vie et ouvrira à nouveau ses portes! 

Une nouvelle cohorte de campeurs commenceront alors leur aventure de six semaines durant laquelle ils rencontreront de nouveaux amis, essairont de nouvelles choses, exploreront et découvriront.... tout en rendant la ville plus verte.

C’est dans cet esprit que nous souhaiterions vous inviter à une soirée musicale pour vous remercier de faire partie de la communauté du Camp Cosmos.

Quand : le mardi 30 avril à 19h30

 :  La Mason de l’amitié (120, rue Duluth Est, H2W 1H1)

Quoi : Une soirée de musique avec Shams Al-Habib qui offrira des chants Sufi et Zikr, Stefano Degano au piano, et Eliza Moore, chanteuse et musicienne accomplie.

Pour qui ? Pour tous ceux qui sont devenus membres de la communauté du Camp Cosmos en offrant une donation

Si vous n’avez pas encore fait de don, c’est si simple! Il suffit de visiter le Camp Cosmos à (cliquer ici)

Nous suggérons un don de 15 à 50 dollars, selon ce que vous pouvz vous permettre.

Merci aussi de confirmer votre présence avec Molly Churchill à, en indiquant « Camp Cosmos concert RSVP » comme sujet de votre message.

Nous avons hâte de profiter de cette soirée de musique en votre compagnie.

Pour en savoir plus sur nos artistes:

April 15, 2013

Smashing Success!

Ping!  Pop!  Smash(ing success)!!  
On March 23, 2013, over 80 participants came together for an old-fashioned ping pong tournament.  

All of the proceeds went to MCM's Just Solutions clinic  - over $2300 in total!  

Ping Poshers transformed from sporting white-clothed athletes to eager spectators in "fancy dress" as the evening unfolded, making for an entertaining night of fun for a great cause.  

A big thank you to volunteers and participants alike!

Text: Andrea Dawes

March 12, 2013

Ping Pong for Just Solutions

On March 23rd, 2013, you are cordially invited to Ping Posh III: Spring Invitational, in support of Just Solutions, MCM's legal information clinic!  

Ping Posh is an annual charity ping pong tournament - it is a fun-filled evening, and no ping pong skills are required!  This year, we are happy to announce that all of the profits will go directly to support the work of Just Solutions.

Click HERE to visit the registration site and sign up for a whole lot of fun for a great cause (and here to view the FB event page).  No ping pong skills necessary!

There is a reminder below, and on the site, of how it all works.  We're aiming for 80 participants (almost 1/2 way there!) so don't delay!

Hope to see you all on March 23rd

Ping Posh III: Spring Invitational
March 23, 2013

For an all-inclusive fee of $45 you receive a place in the tournament and access to the open bar for the evening. Advance registration is required and the tournament will be limited to 80 players. Bystanders will not be permitted. All levels of player are welcome and games are friendly, however, proper attire is mandatory. All players are required to wear white sporting apparel while on the court and formal wear ("fancy dress") following elimination from tournament play. There will be prizes for particularly inspired ensembles.

February 26, 2013

À table pour Solutions Justes!

Last Saturday February 23rd, 40 lucky diners participated in an evening of solidarity for MCM's Just Solutions legal information clinic.  

They were treated to a delicious 3 course meal, the sweet melodies of The Sin and the Swoon, and a general atmosphere of fun and celebration in support of Just Solutions.  

We raised $2400 to support the clinic's continued efforts to support vulnerable individuals as they navigate the complex administrative labyrinth of the Canadian immigration system.  

Many thanks to the donors, sponsors and volunteers who made this event possible, especially our chef extraordinaire, James Barrington, his sous-chef, Grant Rummel, and Mike O'Brien and Michelle Tompkins (a.k.a The Sin and the Swoon)!

Photos: Michelle Knight