June 13, 2016

Sous la tente du Ramadan... Under Ramadan's Tent

The Muslim Association of Canada joined hands with St. James United and Montreal City Mission to break the Ramadan fast at an Iftar on the St. James Square last week. 

Several hundred people participated in a unique ceremony where the United Church Moderator, the Right Reverend Jordan Cantwell, led prayer in French and English alongside Imam Mahdi Terkawi who prayed in French and Arabic. The chiming of the St. James bells as the exact same time as the Adhan – the Islamic call to prayer – was incredibly moving (see the media links below).

Au coucher du soleil - à 20h48 précisément - nous avons rompu le jeûne avec des dattes, de l’eau, du lait et de la nourriture offerte gracieusement par l’Association Musulmane du Canada. Quelle belle assemblée que cette foule diverse… des gens qui provenaient de milieux culturels, ethniques et religieux différents… mais tous réunis pour célébrer la richesse de Montréal et de notre humanité commune.

A special thanks to UCC Moderator Cantwell for flying in for this event, chief Iftar organizer MCM staffer Anwar Alhjooj and all of our friends at the MAC – Muslim Association of Canada. Shukran!

Un grand merci également à nos photographes : François Gloutnay, Daniel Julien Inacio et Michelle Knight.


We will gather as an inter-faith community once again at St. James United Church on Sunday June 19th at 2 p.m. for a memorial in solidarity with the victims of the Orlando shooting. As we said at the Iftar, we take pride in our diversity that enriches our city, our country and our world. And we will not tolerate discrimination and hatred against any community.

La communauté inter-religieuse se réunira de nouveau dimanche prochain, le 19 juin, à 14h, pour un rassemblement commémoratif à la mémoire des victimes de la communauté LGBTQ2 en Floride. SVP joignez-vous à nous.

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