November 23, 2015

Go Habs Go


Quelle soirée magique pour les enfants du Camp Cosmos dans la loge de Brandon Prust et sa charmante compagne Maripier Morin. Mille mercis à vous deux pour votre gentillesse et votre présence auprès des enfants éblouis. Cette soirée restera gravée dans leurs cœurs. 
Merci aussi à la Fondation pour l’enfance des Canadiens de Montréal qui soutient le camp chaque année. 
Et finalement chapeau à nos 3 chaperons bénévoles Angélique, Edouardo et Victor!

A group of kids from Camp Cosmos had the thrill of their lives when they were invited to view last Monday’s game between the Montreal Canadians and the Vancouver Canucks at the Bell Centre
But there’s more! They viewed the game from the box of Brandon Prust and his charming partner, popular Quebec television personality Maripier Morin. Brandon and Maripier hung out with the kids, signing their new Canadians’ caps and viewing the game together.
And what a game – the Canadians’ came back from a disadvantage to win 4-3! And there’s more!! Réjean Houle and Geoff Molson also dropped by the box for a visit!
A heartfelt thanks to Brandon and Maripier as well as to the Canadians Children’s Foundation whose support makes the camp possible every year. 
A final tip of the hockey cap to our volunteer chaperons, Angélique, Edouardo and Victor

Go Habs Go!

For more photos, visit Camp Cosmos Facebook page.
Pour plus de photos, visitez la page Facebook du Camp Cosmos.