June 11, 2015

The Roger Snelling Clinic

Sheila cutting the ribbon

The Ribbon was cut….
…by Sheila Snelling at the June 7th launch at St. James United of the Roger Snelling Clinic – Mobile Legal Service for Seniors. The United Church family and larger social justice community paid tribute to the life and ministry of Roger through moving testimonies, music and enthusiastic presence.

Special guests David Armour, Director of Philanthropy of the United Church of Canada and Rev. Shaun Fryday, pastor at Beaconsfield United and chair of the Good Samaritan Fund that supports the clinic, recalled the steadfast witness of both Roger and his wife Sheila in countless projects and activities over the years.

Paula Kline and Olga Houde, the new coordinator of the Roger Snelling Clinic

Le nouveau président du Consistoire de Montréal de Église unie du Canada, M. Marc Grenon, a apporté des salutations. Marc a exprimé ses regrets de n’avoir jamais connu un homme si exceptionnel. Il a dit par contre apprécier énormément sa collaboration avec Sheila dans divers comités d'action sociale à travers les années.

Geoff, Jean & Liza

Happy 90th Anniversary UCC 

The celebration came to a fitting end as we wheeled out a birthday cake for the 90th anniversary of the UCC – a church that remains alive and relevant through the contributions of faithful servants such as Roger.

Neil Whitehouse, Lisa LeRoy & Geoff Duerden

Marc Grenon & Rev. Shaun Fryday

Paula Kline, David Armour, Rev. Arlen Bonnar & Jan McConnell

Paula and former Chair of the MCM board, Renate Sutherland

Roger’s devotion to community building and the equitable sharing of resources has had a lasting impact on numerous individuals and organizations. His legacy of kindness and justice will continue through the Roger Snelling Clinic!

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