April 26, 2016

UCC Moderator's Visit at MCM

Last April 21st, MCM and St. James United were delighted to host the United Church Moderator, the Very Reverend Jordan Cantwell.
Over a delicious lunch of Syrian delicacies, we discussed new and exciting projects with our partners from the Muslim Association of Canada - Nabil Abu-Thuraia, Mehdi Jouhri and Ahmad Abdelkader Mohammed, as well as Amal Elsana and Tahany Okby fom McGill ICAN (International Community Action Network).

Creating a safe environment for Syrian children to learn and play, organizing inter-faith gatherings on St. James Square and providing internships for Syrian university students were all on our discussion menu.
The opportunities right now for diverse communities coming together are stronger than ever. We all need to seize the moment so that walls that divide can indeed come tumbling down!
Moderator Cantwell also took time to meet with members of MCM staff, students and the people we serve to listen to stories of migration, cross cultural challenges, as well as hope for the future.
At the end of our time together, we gathered at the table to break bread – remembering the Spirit that empowers us all to work for inclusion and justice.

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